Thursday, February 5, 2009

Put on a Happy face

I love how happy I feel on bright, sunny days. Unfortunately, today is an overcast day, so it is all that much more important that my rooms create a sunny feeling. Once I decided to paint my laundry room in bright colors that were a little out of my normal comfort range. The base was a pure white with hot pink and chartreuse stripes forming a plaid on the lower third of the wall. It was a little overwhelming, but for the short time before I re-painted, my girls referred to the room as the "happy" room. Now I try to incorporate a little "happy" in all my rooms. I love the light background in this Pottery Barn room. It just feels like summer.
And look how happy this Domino room is. I probably wouldn't be bold enough to use such a bright yellow, but I love the idea of having punches of bright colors on a very muted background.

Time to go brighten my rooms a little more. And feel happy.

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